Brand NEW Custom RPG Server!
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 Level: 5001

Basic informationServer Info
MiningMining System
WoodcuttingWoodcutting System
HerbalistHerbalist System
AncestralAncestral System
DungeonsDungeon System
AzureAzure Portals
TiersEquipment Tiers
ExpansionSpawns, Zones
BadgesNew Badges
ShipNavigation on Continent
The IslesWorldBosses
Basic InformationServer Info
Server Start Server is Started!
Launch of Hellgrave Real Map Exodus!
Dear friends, we have prepared a new custom world called Hellgrave Real Map Exodus. Come to discover the unique world constantly updated.
A look on systems
Mining System
Ancestral System
And not only this!
There is also, Herbalist, Crafting, Ancestral System, Azure Portals, Expansions (Map & Quests), Tiers System, Badges System, Deck System, Ship ( Navigation on Continent with a ship ), Isles with Worldbosses and much more!
Briefly about the concept of the server!
We decided to create an unique world, custom and RPG as possible. Hellgrave Real Map Exodus Is a fully alive world, full of mysteries, things to do, quests, evolution, discovery, and much more!
The server will start slowly, so that all players can take the time to discover the new things that will come with each expansion. Play at your own pace, have fun with your friends, challenge the greatest bosses of all time and gain supreme power.
MiningCustom Mining
Minner's Forge:

Crafting on Minner's Forge

Mining around the world

Gif program records with low pixels, some colors can be looked as washed.

Minner's Forge is located at south of Mordragor, here you will find npc ElyotropeElyotrope Sells the first pickaxe to start mining. he sells the first pick for start mining around the world. Bought it, collect pieces , craft small and big ingots and sell it to Elyotrope.
As expansions come, small and big ingots will most likely be used in a craft, for now they can be sold on Elyotrope.
Mining System can be started at south of Mordragor talking to NPC Elyotrope bought the beginner's pickaxe Beginner's Pickaxe allows you to start mining on bronze veins. and start collecting pieces from veins.
You will find 7 differents veins around the world:
Beginner's Pickaxe
Elyotrope Sells the first pickaxe to start mining. Meet Elyotrope at South of Mordragor. You can start mining on Bronze Veins.
Beginner's Pickaxe
Obtention: Bought from Elyotrope.
Can mine: Bronze Veins.
Apprentice's Pickaxe
This pick can be crafted on minner's forge. You can mine on bronze and silver veins.
Apprentice's Pickaxe
Obtention: Bought from Elyotrope.
Can mine: Bronze Veins.
Miner's Pickaxe
This pick can be crafted on minner's forge. You can mine on bronze, silver and Sapphire Veins.
Miner's Pickaxe
Obtention: Crafted on Minner's Forge.
Can mine: Bronze, Silver and Sapphire Veins.
Expert's Pickaxe
This pick can be crafted on minner's forge. You can mine on bronze, silver, sapphire and gold veins.
Expert's Pickaxe
Obtention: Crafted on Minner's Forge.
Can mine: Bronze, Silver, Sapphire and Gold Veins.
Master's Pickaxe
This pick can be crafted on minner's forge. You can mine on bronze, silver, sapphire, gold, amethyst, ruby and emerald veins.
Master's Pickaxe
Obtention: Crafted on Minner's Forge.
Can mine: Bronze, Silver, Sapphire, Gold, Amethyst, Ruby and Emerald Veins.
Bronze Vein
Color: Bronze (Brown).
Mining Skill Required: 0
Description: This is the first vein that can be minned.
Silver Vein
Color: Silver (Gray).
Mining Skill Required: 5
Description: Can be minned with apprentice's pickaxe crafted on Minner's Forge.
Sapphire Vein
Color: Sapphire (Blue).
Mining Skill Required: 15
Description: Can be minned with miner's pickaxe crafted on Minner's Forge.
Gold Vein
Color: Gold (Yellow).
Mining Skill Required: 25
Description: Can be minned with expert's pickaxe crafted on Minner's Forge.
Amethyst Vein
Color: Amethyst (Purple/Pink).
Mining Skill Required: 40
Description: Can be minned with master's pickaxe crafted on Minner's Forge.
Ruby Vein
Color: Ruby (Red).
Mining Skill Required: 60
Description: Can be minned with master's pickaxe crafted on Minner's Forge.
Emerald Vein
Color: Emerald (Green).
Mining Skill Required: 80
Description: Can be minned with master's pickaxe crafted on Minner's Forge.
Recipe Loots:
Recipe: Small Bronze Ingot
Cyclops, Barbarian Bloodwalker, Elf Arcanis, Elf Scout.
Recipe: Small Silver Ingot
Dragon Lord, Warlock, Sea Serpent, Hydra.
Recipe: Small Sapphire Ingot
Hellspawn, Destroyer, Grim Reaper.
Recipe: Small Gold Ingot
Wereboar, Vile Grandmaster, Behemoth.
Recipe: Small Amethyst Ingot
Fury, Diabolic Imp, Hellfire Fighter.
Recipe: Small Ruby Ingot
Demon, Lizard Chose, Wyrms.
Recipe: Small Emerald Ingot
Lava Golem, Giant Spider, Reality Reaver.
Recipe: Big Bronze Ingot
Dawnfire Asura, Serpent Spawn.
Recipe: Big Silver Ingot
Minotaur Amazon, Minotaur Hunter, Worm Priestess.
Recipe: Big Sapphire Ingot
Rustheap Golem, Hellhound, Ironblight.
Recipe: Big Gold Ingot
Juggernault, Dark Torturer, Frazzlemaw.
Recipe: Big Amethyst Ingot
Draken Spellweaver, Draken Elite, Ghastly Dragon.
Recipe: Big Ruby Ingot
Retching Horror, Sight of Surrender.
Recipe: Big Emerald Ingot
Vexclaw, Terrorsleep, Deepling Tyrant.
WoodcuttingCustom Woodcutting
Woodcutter's Forge:

Cutting Trees around the world

Woodcutter's Forge is located at the south west exit of Falanaar, here you will find npc Rostock he sells the first axe for start cutting tree's around the world. Bought it, collect wood , craft some planks and sell it to Rostock.
As expansions come, planks will most likely be used in a craft, for now they can be sold on Rostock, also new ressource will come on this job.
Woodcutting System can be started at south west exit of Falanaar talking to NPC Rostock bought the beginner's axe and start collecting wood from tree's.
You will find 5 differents tree around the world:
Beginner's Axe
Rostock Sells the first Axe to start Woodcutting.
Beginner's Axe
Obtention: Bought from Rostock.
Can cut: Big Trees.
Apprentice's Axe
This axe can be crafted on woodcutting forge. You can cut Big Trees and Ash Trees.
Apprentice's Axe
Obtention: Crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Can cut: Big Trees and Ash Tree.
Lumberjack's Axe
This axe can be crafted on woodcutting forge. You can cut Big Trees and Ash Trees.
Lumberjack's Axe
Obtention: Crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Can cut: Big Trees, Ash Tree and Chestnut Tree.
Expert's Axe
This axe can be crafted on woodcutting forge. You can cut Big Trees, Ash Trees, Chestnut Trees and Olive Trees.
Expert's Axe
Obtention: Crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Can cut: Big Trees, Ash Tree, Chestnut Tree and Olive Tree.
Master's Axe
This axe can be crafted on woodcutting forge. You can cut Big Trees, Ash Trees, Chestnut Trees, Olive Trees and Cherry Trees.
Master's Axe
Obtention: Crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Can cut: Big Trees, Ash Tree, Chestnut Tree, Olive Tree and Cherry Tree.
Big Tree
Color: Green.
Woodcutting Skill Required: 0
Description: This is the first tree that can be cutted.
Ash Tree
Color: Green.
Woodcutting Skill Required: 5
Description: Can be cutted with apprentice's axe crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Chestnut Tree
Color: Green (Some Chestnuts).
Woodcutting Skill Required: 15
Description: Can be cutted with lumberjack's axe crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Olive Tree
Color: Green (Some Olives).
Woodcutting Skill Required: 25
Description: Can be cutted with expert's axe crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Cherry Tree
Color: Red.
Woodcutting Skill Required: 40
Description: Can be cutted with master's axe crafted on Woodcutter's Forge.
Recipe Loots:
Recipe: Big Piece of Wood
Giant Spider, Dragon Hatchling.
Recipe: Ash Plank
Nightmare, Nightmare Scion, Frost Giant.
Recipe: Chestnut Plank
Spitter, Grimeleech, Plaguesmith.
Recipe: Olive Plank
Marid, Stone Devourer, Killer Caiman.
Recipe: Cherry Plank
Hellflayer, Death Dragon.
HerbalistCustom Herbalist
Herbalist's Crafting:

Harvesting Plants / Mushrooms around the world

Herbalist's Forge is located at the norht of Dolwatha, here you will find npc Elyria she sells the first scissor's for start harvesting plant's around the world. Bought it, collect plants and mushrooms then craft potions.
Potions are useful, sell it on the market or use it to help you on battle's.
You will find 6 differents plant's, flower and mushroom around the world:
Beginner's Scissor
Elyria Sells the first begginer's scissor at north of Dolwatha.
Beginner's Scissor
Obtention: Bought from Elyria.
Can Harvest: Canterbury Bells.
Apprentice's Scissor
This scissors can be crafted on herbalist table. You can harvest Canterbury Bells and Gentiana.
Apprentice's Scissor
Obtention: Crafted on Herbalist's Table.
Can Harvest: Canterbury Bells and Gentiana.
Herbalist's Scissor
This scissors can be crafted on herbalist table. You can harvest Canterbury Bells, Gentiana and Scarlet Sage.
Herbalist's Scissor
Obtention: Crafted on Herbalist's Table.
Can Harvest: Canterbury Bells, gentiana and Scarlet Sage.
Expert's Scissor
This scissors can be crafted on herbalist table. You can harvest Canterbury Bells, Gentiana, Scarlet Sage and Camellia.
Expert's Scissor
Obtention: Crafted on Herbalit's Table.
Can harvest: Canterbury Bells, Gentiana, Scarlet Sage and Camellia.
Master's Scissor
This scissors can be crafted on herbalist table. You can harvest Canterbury Bells, gentiana, Scarlett Sage, Camellia, Russula Emetica and Anemone.
Master's Scissor
Obtention: Crafted on Herbalit's Table.
Can harvest: Canterbury Bells, gentiana, Scarlett Sage, Camellia, Russula Emetica and Anemone.
Canterbury Bells
Color: Violet.
Herbalist Skill Required: 0
Description: This is the first tree that can be harvested.
Color: Gray.
Herbalist Skill Required: 5
Description: Can be harvested with apprentice's scissor crafted on Herbalist Table.
Scarlet Sage
Color: Red Tips, green.
Herbalist Skill Required: 15
Description: Can be harvested with herbalist's scissor crafted on Herbalist Table.
Color: White.
Herbalist Skill Required: 25
Description: Can be harvested with expert's scissor crafted on Herbalist Table.
Russula Emetica
Color: Red.
Herbalist Skill Required: 40
Description: Can be harvested with master's scissor crafted on Herbalist Table.
Russula Emetica
Color: Violet.
Herbalist Skill Required: 55
Description: Can be harvested with master's scissor crafted on Herbalist Table.
Recipe Loots:
Recipe: Nimble Life Potion
Quara Hydromancer, Bog Raider.
Recipe: Nimble Mana Potion
Blood Beast, Glooth Anemone.
Recipe: Hazel Life Potion
Feversleep, Armadile.
Recipe: Hazel Mana Potion
Medusa, Stone Devourer.
Recipe: Tumble Life Potion
Recipe: Tumble Mana Potion
Potions give Empty Flasks that you can sell to npc Alaistar, Xodet or Asnarus.

Nimble: 8 gps, Hazel: 11 gps and Tumble: 15 gps.
Nimble Life Potion
Health: 515 - 685
Level: 100
Vocations: Paladin's and Knight's.
Hazel Life Potion
Health: 750 - 920
Level: 150
Vocations: Paladin's and Knight's.
Tumble Life Potion
Health: 890 - 1050
Level: 200
Vocations: Knight's.
Nimble Mana Potion
Mana: 160 - 235
Level: 100
Vocations: Paladins, Sorcerer's and Druid's.
Hazel Mana Potion
Mana: 280 - 425
Level: 150
Vocations: Paladin's, Sorcerer's and Druid's.
Tumble Mana Potion
Mana: 500 - 795
Level: 200
Vocations: Sorcerer's and Druid's.
AncestralAncestral System
Ancestral System ( Tasks, Points, Rank, Store and more ! ):
Ancestral System is based on tasks, complete tasks with npc ArminArmin Npc Can be founded in each city, on temple or near depot ( upper depot also ). available on each city and earn Ancestral PointsAncestral Points are earned by finishing tasks, this points can be used on Ancestral Store in game, in future this points will be used for more things. to spend on Ancestral Store, but also Ancestral Rank PointsAncestral Points are adquired doing Tasks, each task give different amount of Ancestral Rank Points. to grow your Ancestral Ranking.
Slowly will come many things attached to the Ancestral System, so keep an eye on the wiki!
You can check your status on Ancestral System using the command !Ancestral you will see your Ranking, Points, and Tasks that you have accepted, current statuts, etc.
Ancestral Store:
Ancestral Store can be opened in game pressing you will find a store.
Ancestral Ranks
Doing Tasks for Armin you will earn Ancestral Rank Points this points will upgrade your ranking depeding your points, see the table below.
You can check the Rank for every player doing a double click on the character.
Ancestral Rank Points
1 - 40
Ancestral Rank Points
41 - 100
Ancestral Rank Points
101 - 250
Ancestral Rank Points
251 - 470
Ancestral Rank Points
471 - 770
Ancestral Rank Points
771 - 1220
Ancestral Rank Points
1221 - 1820
Ancestral Rank Points
1821 - 2820
Ancestral Rank Points
2821 - 4320
Ancestral Rank Points
4321 - 6320
Ancestral Rank Points
6321 - 9999
Ancestral Rank Points
Ancestral Tasks
Normal Ancestral Task List
Ask to Armin to see the list, you will find a list of Normal Tasks that can be repeated, to start a task say the name of the Task.
Daily Ancestral Task List
Ask to Armin to see the daily list, you will find a list of Daily Tasks that can be done only per day, to start a task say the name of the Task.
DungeonsDungeons System
Dungeons we introduced a new dungeon called Bones Dungeon where you will fight Prince SkeletalPrince Skeletal is the boss from Bones Dungeon, defeat Prince Skeletal to get Skeletal Set ( Helmet, Armor, Legs and Boots ) some of this parts will give new attributes, crafting, woodcutting or mining skill., this dungeon is quite easy to do and requires up a team of 2 players of level 150 minimum to enter on the dungeon. The dungeon can be started on Temple of Mordragor.
Slowly will come more dungeons and access from various citys.
On Dungeons you will find monsters with levels, but also bosses. Monsters and bosses, have better experience, loot, damage and life depending the level. Also a skull will identify the level of the creature.
This picture is an example.
Dungeons Availables:
Bones Dungeon
Party Required: 2 Players.
Level Required: 150.
Time: 30 minuts to make the dungeon, mechanic and reach boss.
Cooldown dungeon: 1 Hour.
Monsters: Bone Archer, Bone Berserker, Bone Mage, Bone Scarvenger, Bone Ruthless, Bone Warrior, Bone Knight, Bone Master, Bone Master.
Monster Levels: 1-50.
Boss: Prince Skeletal
Boss Level 1-10.
Rewards: Skeletal Set from Prince Skeletal Boss.
Master of Elements Dungeon
Party Required: 2 Players.
Level Required: 200.
Time: 30 minuts to make the dungeon, mechanic and reach boss.
Cooldown dungeon: 1 Hour.
Monsters: Bulltauren Alchemist, Bulltauren Brute, Bulltauren Forgepriest, Mega Dragon, Mitmah Vanguard, Tauren Herk, Tornado, Wardragon.
Monster Levels: None.
Boss: Master of the Elements
Boss Level 1-10.
Rewards: Star Extractor, Star Inlay Stones that can be used on new sets bought on Taerar inside Azure Portal.
AzureAzure Portals
Azure Portals: New Monsters & Boss
Azure Portals are random portals appearing on Freewind, Dolwatha, Death Valley and Rivendell (Arkeron).
Before enter, you can find a new Npc called Estherya she trade , Nightmare Coins are obtained by killing Azure Boss or doing Ancestral Tasks about Azure Portals, for the new outfits small angel and everblight.
Azure Portals are for strong players, inside you will find depth creatures and for the most stronger players he can reach the central room, where you need find out how to open the door and enter for fight with Azure.
Monsters have level from 1 to 10. They have a low probability to loot an Ancestral Coin that can be used to obtain 1 ancestral point to use on Ancestral Store.
Find a way to open the door, then defeat Terror Spider, it will transform to Deep Necromancer, defeat Deep Necromancer will transform to Azure Boss, fight and kill it, you will obtain Azure Coins that can be used on Taerar Npc located on Azure Entrance and Exchange it for the new items set.
New Items
There is 4 new sets, Netherwave ( sorcerers & druids ), Varruth & Seetheras ( for Knight ) both are same, but visual differently and Felsinger ( paladins ).
Exchange Azure Coins to Taerar Npc at the entrance of Azure Portals.

Azure Boss has a small probability to loot on of this items.
Varruth Helmet
Varruth Armor
Varruth Legs
Varruth Boots
Varruth Sword
Seetheras Helmet
Seetheras Armor
Seetheras Legs
Seetheras Boots
Seetheras Sword
Netherwave Helmet
Netherwave Armor
Netherwave Legs
Netherwave Boots
Frozen Wand
Venom Rod
Felsinger Helmet
Felsinger Armor
Felsinger Legs
Felsinger Boots
Lazering Bow
Exowing Bow
New Outfits
Small Angel
Exchange Nightmare Coins with Npc Estherya located outside of the Azure Portal.
Exchange Nightmare Coins with Npc Estherya located outside of the Azure Portal.
TiersEquipment Tiers
Tier System
Tier System is based on custom equipments, that allows you to use an Star Inlay Stone in order to insert 3 empty stars to the equipment.
Once you have inserted 3 Empty stars, you can insert a star stone following the rarity:
- Common (green)
- Rare (blue)
- Very Rare (gold)
- Epic (purple)
- Legendary (red)

Each Tier, has 1, 2 or 3 Stars.
First Star, will take the base stats of the previous upgrade ( it means 1 star, no primary or secundary stats are incremented )
Second Star will increment secundary stats ( Resistance, Speed, Etc )
Thirst Star will increment first stats (Skills: Axe, distance..., Armor...)

To start adding a tier to a custom equipment, first you need defeat Master of The Elements and obtain Star Inlay Stone, using it on allowed equipment ( Netherwave, Skeletal, Varruth, Seetheras or Felsinger ) , Helmet, Armor, Legs and Boots only you will be able to start inlay a stone, try your chance in order to get the best Inlay Stone to increase your stats.

After adding a stone, for example 2 Blue Stars ( Rare ), to an equipment and you will loot for example an Epic or Legendary, and you wish add it to your equipment, you will need use Star Extractor on your equipment in order to extract the stone incrusted to your equipment, your item will become again with 3 Empty stars and able to insert the new one. You will receive the stone incrusted to the equipment after extract it, but you will lose the star extractor.
Inlay or extract, doesn't fail.
New Monsters:
- Bulltauren Alchemist
- Bulltauren Brute
- Bulltauren Forgepriest
- Mega Dragon
- Mitmah Vanguard
- Tauren Herk
- Wardragon

New Boss:
- Master of the Elements

The New Monsters & Boss, are located on the new Dungeon called Master of The Elements, you will need a party up to 2 Players and level 200 in order to enter on the dungeon.
Monsters will have a probability to loot:
- Star Extractor - Common & Rare Inlay Stones ( 1, 2, 3)
- New Ressources
- Some Items

Boss will have a probability to loot:
- Very Rare, Epic, Legendary Inlay Stones ( 1, 2, 3)
- Star Extractor
- Star Inlay Stone
- Werewolf Helmet ( For all classes, do not use moonlight crystals now, later we will work on it).
- New Ressources

Some Pictures:
New Tiers Stones
Inlay Stones, Star Extractor.
Star Inlay Stone
Star Extractor
Common Star Inlay Stone
Common Two Star Inlay Stone
Common Three Star Inlay Stone
Rare Star Inlay Stone
Rare Two Star Inlay Stone
Rare Three Star Inlay Stone
Very Rare Star Inlay Stone
Very Rare Two Star Inlay Stone
Very Rare Three Star Inlay Stone
Epic Star Inlay Stone
Epic Two Star Inlay Stone
Epic Three Star Inlay Stone
Legendary Star Inlay Stone
Legendary Two Star Inlay Stone
Legendary Three Star Inlay Stone
New Ressources
New Ressources from Monsters & Boss
Lesser Guardian Gem
Guardian Gem
Greater Guardian Gem
Lesser Marksman Gem
Marksman Gem
Greater Marksman Gem
Lesser Sage Gem
Sage Gem
Greater Sage Gem
Lesser Mystic Gem
Mystic Gem
Greater Mystic Gem
Splintered Mitmah gem
Atab's Mitmah helmet
Bulltaur Horn
Bulltaur Hoof
Bulltaur Armor Scrap
Strange Substance
Staff Piece
Idol of the forge
Nimmersatt's seal
Molten dragon essence
Mega dragon heart
Strange Eye
Strange poison gland
Tauren Claw
Tauren Tooth
Exalted Seal
Gold-scaled sentinel
Crystallised blood
New Outfits
Exchange Nightmare Coins with Npc Estherya located outside of the Azure Portal.
Master of the Elements also will loot Nightmare Coins
ExpansionNew Zones, New Spawns
Expansion Map
Here you will find new Extension Zones added on the world.
Secret Library
Acess: North Mordragor (Barbarian Camp)
Level: 250+
Falcon Bastion
Acess: North Falanaar (Deepling Grounds)
Level: 200+
Cobra Bastion
Acess: North Dolwatha (Near Azure Portal Apparition)
Level: 200+
Grave Danger Bosses
Acess: Underground Mordragor Death Cave
Level: 200+
Bruster Spectres, Lions, Deep Desert
Acess: From any Boat to Kilmaresh (north Kilmaresh)
Level: 160+
Acess: From any Boat
Level: 220+
Soul War
Acess: From any Boat to Kilmaresh (Central Top Mountain)
Level: 300+
Kilmaresh, Urmahlullu's
Acess: From any Boat to Kilmaresh Central Under Kilmaresh
Level: 250+
Rotten Blood
Acess: From any Boat to Kilmaresh (South Kilmaresh, Portal)
Level: 300+
Items Information
Nightmare Coin, Obtained from Bosses of Extensions Map with Estherya Npc, located outside of Azure Portal Apparition.
Sturdy Book, 5 are required to obtain First Battle Mage Addon with Estherya.
Epaulette, 20 are required to obtain Second Battle Mage Addon with Estherya.
Library Ticket: Use it on a Flying book to get a Fleeting Knowledge mount.
Red Silk Flower: Use it on a White Lion to get a white lion mount.
The Skull of a Beast: Exchange it with Npc Estherya to obtain second addon of Revenant. (Base outfit can be adquired with Nightmare Coins)
Bracelet of Strengthening: Exchange it with Npc Estherya to obtain first addon of Revenant. (Base outfit can be adquired with Nightmare Coins)
Spectral Horseshoe: Use 4 Spectral Horseshoes, a Spectral Horse Tack and Spectral Saddle to obtain Phantasmal Jade mount.
Final Judgement: Exchange it with Npc Estherya to obtain first addon of Hand of Inquisition outfit.
Shadow Cowl: Exchange it with Npc Estherya to obtain second addon of Hand of Inquisition outfit.
Regalia of Suon: Use it on a Gryphon to obtain Gryphon Mount. (Can be obtained assembling the 4 parts to Npc Yonan at Central Kilmaresh near the Lagoon)
Spectral Scrap of Cloth: Use it to obtain Haze mount.
New Extensions
Secret Library

Secret Library Can be accessed from north-west Mordragor on the Barbarian Camp, talk to Librarian and ask a passage to the Isle of the Kings, use a Scythe to the Monument in order to acess to the Secret Library.

Falcon Bastion

Falcon Bastion can be accessed from North Falanaar on Deepling Grounds, Use the boat to enter on the Falcon Bastion. Near Deepling grounds also there is a new raid, Brokul.
Falcons introduce new items , Falcons Items and some new ressources.

Cobra Bastion (custom)

Cobra Bastion can be accessed from North Dolwatha where Azure portal Appears, accessed from stairs. Sarlett Etzel has the same mechanic.
Cobra introduce new items , Cobra Items and some new ressources.

Grave Danger Bosses

Grave Danger, King Zelos and Minibosses can be founded on Mordragor Caves, around the cave, there is no any hard mechanic, for king zelos, simply kill every mini boss on the room before access to King Zelos.


Bounac can be accessed from any Boat. Drume appears as Raid.


Kilmaresh can be accessed from any Boat. North of Kilmaresh (cave): Bruster Spectres, Lions (Werelioness, Werelion and Minibosses), Deep Desert (Undead Gladiators and Skeleton Elite Warrior, Furious Scorpion), Central Kilmaresh: Under: Urmahlullu's boss, Top Mountain: Soul War acess (Thais Mirror, Rotten Wasteland, Ebb & Flow, Claustrophobic Inferno, Furious Crater) in order to kill Megalomania, you need kill every Goshnar's Bosses before access it. Current Floor: Fear Feaster, Flimsys and Bosses. Kilmaresh Lagoon: Yonan Npc, exchanging some idol items for the Regalia of Suon.

Claustrophobic Inferno, Rotten Wasteland, Furious Crater, Nightmare Mirror...

Rotten Blood

New Monsters, New Bosses, Bakragore loots Sanguine items, in order to get Grand Sanguine items, you need defeat minibosses (Ichgahal, Murcion, Vemiath and Chagorz) to obtain Essence, use the essences on Devourer Essence in order to obtain 5% chance for each essence to loot a Grand Sanguine Item. If you get 20% and you didn't loot any Grand Sanguine item , you will save your chance until you loot one Grand Sanguine Item.

BadgesNew Equipment
Badges, are new equipment that can be equipped on new slot badges, under ammo slot.

Badges can be obtained by killing world bosses, see The Isles - World Bosses tab to find a world boss to kill around the continent.

There is 9 different badges, that each one can be upgraded to the last tier. To upgrade a badge you will need an Amplifier that using on the correct badge it will upgrade it to the next tier. Badges can fail when upgrade but they are not destroyed.

Exiled Spirit Badge
Raging Exiled Spirit Badge
Absorb Death: 5%
Magic Level: +1
Armor: 2
Raging Exiled Spirit Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Exiled Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Exiled Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Exiled Spirit Badge
Absorb Death: 6%
Magic Level: +2
Mana Points: +50
Armor: 3
Furious Exiled Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Exiled Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Exiled Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Exiled Spirit Badge
Absorb Death: 6%
Magic Level: +3
Mana Points: +100
Mana Leech Chance: 5%
Mana Leech Amount: 3%
Armor: 4
Tempest Exiled Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Exiled Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Exiled Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Exiled Spirit Badge
Absorb Death: 8%
Magic Level: +4
Mana Points: +150
Mana Leech Chance: 8%
Mana Leech Amount: 5%
Armor: 5
Blazing Exiled Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Fury Badge
Raging Fury Badge
Absorb Energy: 5%
Skill Sword: +1
Skill Axe: +1
Skill Club: +1
Armor: 2
Raging Fury Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Fury Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Fury Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Fury Badge
Absorb Energy: 6%
Skill Sword: +2
Skill Axe: +2
Skill Club: +2
Life Points: +50
Armor: 3
Furious Fury Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Fury Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Fury Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Fury Badge
Absorb Energy: 7%
Skill Sword: +3
Skill Axe: +3
Skill Club: +3
Life Points: +100
Life Leech Chance: 5%
Life Leech Amount: 3%
Armor: 4
Tempest Fury Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Fury Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Fury Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Fury Badge
Absorb Energy: 8%
Skill Sword: +4
Skill Axe: +4
Skill Club: +4
Life Points: +150
Life Leech Chance: 8%
Life Leech Amount: 5%
Armor: 5
Blazing Fury Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Moon Badge
Raging Moon Badge
Skill Mining: +1
Skill Woodcuting: +1
Skill Herbalist: +1
Skill Crafting: +1
Armor: 2
Raging Moon Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Moon Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Moon Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Moon Badge
Skill Mining: +2
Skill Woodcuting: +2
Skill Herbalist: +2
Skill Crafting: +2
Armor: 3
Furious Moon Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Moon Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Moon Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Moon Badge
Skill Mining: +3
Skill Woodcuting: +3
Skill Herbalist: +3
Skill Crafting: +3
Armor: 4
Tempest Moon Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Moon Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Moon Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Moon Badge
Skill Mining: +4
Skill Woodcuting: +4
Skill Herbalist: +4
Skill Crafting: +4
Armor: 5
Tempest Moon Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Moon Amplifier Catalyst [4]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Moon Amplifier Catalyst [4].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Eternal Moon Badge
Skill Mining: +5
Skill Woodcuting: +5
Skill Herbalist: +5
Skill Crafting: +5
Container: 10 Slots
Armor: 5
Eternal Moon Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Night Seeker Badge
Raging Night Seeker Badge
Absorb All: 2%
Life Points: +25
Mana Points: +25
Armor: 2
Raging Night Seeker Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Night Seeker Badge
Absorb All: 2%
Life Points: +50
Mana Points: +50
Armor: 3
Furious Night Seeker Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Night Seeker Spirit Badge
Absorb All: 3%
Life Points: +100
Mana Points: +100
Critical Hit Amount: 5%
Critical Hit Chance: 5%
Armor: 4
Tempest Night Seeker Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Night Seeker Spirit Badge
Absorb All: 4%
Life Points: +200
Mana Points: +200
Critical Hit Amount: 10%
Critical Hit Chance: 10%
Armor: 5
Blazing Night Seeker Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [4]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Night Seeker Amplifier Catalyst [4].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Eternal Night Seeker Spirit Badge
Absorb All: 5%
Life Points: +300
Mana Points: +300
Critical Hit Amount: 15%
Critical Hit Chance: 15%
Armor: 5
Eternal Night Seeker Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Earthshade Spirit Badge
Raging Earthshade Badge
Absorb Energy: 5%
Absorb Holy: 5%
Absorb Ice: 5%
Absorb Fire: 5%
Armor: 2
Raging Earthshade Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Earthshade Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Earthshade Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Earthshade Badge
Absorb Energy: 7%
Absorb Holy: 7%
Absorb Ice: 7%
Absorb Fire: 7%
Armor: 3
Furious Earthshade Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Earthshade Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Earthshade Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Earthshade Badge
Absorb Energy: 9%
Absorb Holy: 9%
Absorb Ice: 9%
Absorb Fire: 9%
Armor: 4
Tempest Earthshade Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Earthshade Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Earthshade Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Earthshade Spirit Badge
Absorb Energy: 12%
Absorb Holy: 12%
Absorb Ice: 12%
Absorb Fire: 12%
Armor: 5
Blazing Earthshade Spirit Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Reborn Badge
Raging Reborn Badge
Absorb Physical: +5%
Mana Points: +25
Life Points: +25
Armor: 2
Raging Reborn Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Reborn Badge
Absorb Physical: +8%
Mana Points: +50
Life Points: +50
Armor: 3
Furious Reborn Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Reborn Badge
Absorb Physical: +11%
Mana Points: +100
Life Points: +100
Armor: 4
Tempest Reborn Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Reborn Badge
Absorb Physical: +14%
Mana Points: +200
Life Points: +200
Armor: 4
Blazing Reborn Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [4]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Reborn Amplifier Catalyst [4].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Eternal Reborn Badge
Absorb Physical: +18%
Mana Points: +300
Life Points: +300
Armor: 5
Eternal Reborn Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Chaosfiend Badge
Raging Chaosfiend Badge
Life Points: +350
Mana Points: +100
Armor: 2
Raging Chaosfiend Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Chaosfiend Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Chaosfiend Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Chaosfiend Badge
Life Points: +700
Mana Points: +200
Armor: 3
Furious Chaosfiend Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Chaosfiend Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Chaosfiend Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Chaosfiend Badge
Life Points: +1400
Mana Points: +300
Armor: 4
Tempest Chaosfiend Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Chaosfiend Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Chaosfiend Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Chaosfiend Badge
Life Points: +2800
Mana Points: +400
Armor: 5
Blazing Chaosfiend Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Veins Badge
Raging Veins Badge
Skill Distance: +1
Absorb Holy: 10%
Armor: 2
Raging Veins Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Veins Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Veins Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Veins Badge
Skill Distance: +2
Absorb Ice: 10%
Armor: 3
Furious Veins Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Veins Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Veins Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Veins Badge
Skill Distance: +3
Absorb Energy: 10%
Life Leech Chance: 5%
Life Leech Amount: 3%
Armor: 4
Tempest Veins Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Veins Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Veins Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Veins Badge
Skill Distance: +4
Absorb Fire: 10%
Life Leech Chance: 8%
Life Leech Amount: 5%
Armor: 4
Blazing Veins Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Daybreak Badge
Raging Daybreak Badge
Life Leech Chance: +3%
Life Leech Amount: +3%
Mana Leech Chance: +3%
Mana Leech Amount: +3%
Amor: 3
Raging Daybreak Badge.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Loot rate: 2,5%.

Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [1]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [1].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Furious Daybreak Badge
Life Leech Chance: +5%
Life Leech Amount: +5%
Mana Leech Chance: +5%
Mana Leech Amount: +5%
Amor: 3
Furious Daybreak Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [2]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [2].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Tempest Daybreak Badge
Life Leech Chance: +7%
Life Leech Amount: +7%
Mana Leech Chance: +7%
Mana Leech Amount: +7%
Critical Hit Chance: +3%
Critical Hit Amount: +3%
Amor: 4
Tempest Daybreak Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [3]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [3].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Blazing Daybreak Badge
Life Leech Chance: +9%
Life Leech Amount: +9%
Mana Leech Chance: +9%
Mana Leech Amount: +9%
Critical Hit Chance: +5%
Critical Hit Amount: +5%
Amor: 5
Blazing Daybreak Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.

Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [4]
Use the amplifier on the badge to try upgrade it to next tier.
Obtention: World Bosses
Can be Upgraded with Daybreak Amplifier Catalyst [4].
Obtention: World Bosses.
Eternal Daybreak Badge
Life Leech Chance: +15%
Life Leech Amount: +10%
Mana Leech Chance: +15%
Mana Leech Amount: +10%
Critical Hit Chance: +10%
Critical Hit Amount: +8%
Amor: 5
Eternal Daybreak Badge.
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier Badge.

Deck SystemCards
Deck System, is a new system that make's a vocation possible to be played in another style.
Under the ring slot you will find the Deck Slot, able to equip Deck's.

There is 3 Decks: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The bronze Deck and Silver can be looted from any monster from Isle, then the Gold Deck can be looted from Wroldbosses, see The Isles - World Bosses tab to find a world boss to kill around the continent.

On The deck's, you can add any type of item, but the most important it's to add Cards, that you can loot from Monsters of The Isles or WorldBosses.
Each card, can give a bonus to the player or change the element of a spell when activated.
To activate a card, place the card on the Deck then right click on it, you can also use the talkaction !deck in order to see the cards that you have activated, in case you lost the card or deposited elsewhere. Each player can activate a maximum of 5 cards at same time.

Here a list of available Cards, there is Normal Cards and Legendary Cards. Cards can be upgraded using Essences Rare Essence, Epic Essence, Mythic or legendary, see the table.
Normal Cards
Erasmo Card
Common Erasmo Card
Vocation: Knights
Bonus: Convert Exori to Earth Damage.
Common Erasmo Card
Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Erasmo Card
Vocation: Knights
Bonus: Convert Exori to Ice Damage.
Rare Erasmo Card
Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Erasmo Card
Vocation: Knights
Bonus: Convert Exori to Death Damage.
Epic Erasmo Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Erasmo Card
Vocation: Knights
Bonus: Convert Exori to Energy Damage.
Mythic Erasmo Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Demetar Card
Common Demetar Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Fire Damage.
Common Demetar Card
Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Demetar Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Holy Damage.
Rare Demetar Card
Obtention: Aeliana, Archon, Baalzebul, Lyrael, Nyxion, Oroniel, Sagittarius, Seraphiel.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Demetar Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Death Damage.
Epic Demetar Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Demetar Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Tera Hur to Energy Damage.
Mythic Demetar Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Kaishuter Card
Common Kaishuter Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Holy Damage.
Common Kaishuter Card
Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Kaishuter Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Death Damage.
Rare Kaishuter Card
Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Kaishuter Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Ice Damage.
Epic Kaishuter Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Kaishuter Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Vis Hur to Drown Damage.
Mythic Kaishuter Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Enraged Chuo Card
Common Enraged Chuo Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Fire Damage.
Common Enraged Chuo Card
Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Enraged Chuo Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Ice Damage.
Rare Enraged Chuo Card
Obtention: Fangclaw, Lurskin, Scalebreaker, Slinkhide, Sludgejaw.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Enraged Chuo Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Earth Damage.
Epic Enraged Chuo Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Enraged Chuo Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Convert Exevo Mas San to Death Damage.
Mythic Enraged Chuo Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Zaika Card
Common Zaika Card
Vocation: All
Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Fire damage area.
Common Zaika Card
Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Zaika Card
Vocation: All
Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Earth damage area.
Rare Zaika Card
Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Zaika Card
Vocation: All
Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Energy damage area.
Epic Zaika Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Zaika Card
Vocation: All
Bonus: Convert Avalanche rune to Death damage area.
Mythic Zaika Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Rictus Card
Common Rictus Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Fire damage area.
Common Rictus Card
Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Rictus Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Holy damage area.
Rare Rictus Card
Obtention: Cinderclaw, Scaledrake.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Rictus Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Death damage area.
Epic Rictus Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Rictus Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Frigo to Energy damage area.
Mythic Rictus Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Globus Card
Common Globus Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Holy damage area.
Common Globus Card
Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Globus Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Earth damage area.
Rare Globus Card
Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Globus Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Death damage area.
Epic Globus Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Globus Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Mas Vis to Ice damage area.
Mythic Globus Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Hidaka Card
Common Hidaka Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Fire damage.
Common Hidaka Card
Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Hidaka Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Earth damage.
Rare Hidaka Card
Obtention: Emerald Mage, Ruby Archer, Sapphire Warrior.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Hidaka Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Ice damage.
Epic Hidaka Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Hidaka Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Convert Exori mas to Death damage.
Mythic Hidaka Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Brelshaza Card
Common Brelshaza Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Minor Bonus.
Common Brelshaza Card
Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Brelshaza Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Major Bonus.
Rare Brelshaza Card
Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Brelshaza Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Intense Bonus.
Epic Brelshaza Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Brelshaza Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo with Powerful Bonus.
Mythic Brelshaza Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Vairgrys Card
Common Vairgrys Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Ice Damage.
Common Vairgrys Card
Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Vairgrys Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Holy Damage.
Rare Vairgrys Card
Obtention: Bonecleaver, Fleshcarver, Fleshrend, Mauler.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Vairgrys Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Death Damage.
Epic Vairgrys Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Vairgrys Card
Vocation: Sorcerer
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Flam Hur to Energy Damage.
Mythic Vairgrys Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Enviska Card
Common Enviska Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Fire Damage.
Common Enviska Card
Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Enviska Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Holy Damage.
Rare Enviska Card
Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Enviska Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Death Damage.
Epic Enviska Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Enviska Card
Vocation: Druid
Bonus: Convert Exevo Gran Frigo Hur to Energy Damage.
Mythic Enviska Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Harzal Card
Common Harzal Card
Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Minor Bonus.
Common Harzal Card
Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Harzal Card
Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Major Bonus.
Rare Harzal Card
Obtention: Grothar, Grugnor, Krag'lok, Krulmash, Mok'gosh, Thokkar.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Harzal Card
Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Intense Bonus.
Epic Harzal Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Harzal Card
Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid, Paladin
Bonus: Increase Exura Gran with a Powerful Bonus.
Mythic Harzal Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Agaton Card
Common Agaton Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Converts Exori San to Fire Damage.
Common Agaton Card
Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Agaton Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Converts Exori San to Earth Damage.
Rare Agaton Card
Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Agaton Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Converts Exori San to Death Damage.
Epic Agaton Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Agaton Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Converts Exori San to Energy Damage.
Mythic Agaton Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Lumerus Card
Common Lumerus Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Minor Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
Common Lumerus Card
Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Lumerus Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Major Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
Rare Lumerus Card
Obtention: Blackblade, Blightbearer, Gorthak, Malevolent, Shadowreaper, Urzog.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Lumerus Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Intense Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
Epic Lumerus Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Lumerus Card
Vocation: Knight
Bonus: Powerful Increase Distance of Exeta Res.
Mythic Lumerus Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Velganos Card
Common Velganos Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Minor Bonus.
Common Velganos Card
Obtention: Bonelich, Deathrattle, Doombone, Grimbone, Shadow Reaper, Skullshade, Tombwraith.
Loot chance: 1.8%.

Rare Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Rare Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Rare Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Rare Velganos Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Major Bonus.
Rare Velganos Card
Obtention: Bonelich, Deathrattle, Doombone, Grimbone, Shadow Reaper, Skullshade, Tombwraith.
Loot chance: 1%.

Epic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Epic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Epic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Epic Velganos Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Intense Bonus.
Epic Velganos Card
Obtention: Upgrading.

Mythic Essence
Use the Essence on the card to upgrade it on Mythic Tier.
Obtention: WorldBosses
Can be Upgraded with Mythic Essence.
Obtention: World Bosses.
Mythic Velganos Card
Vocation: Paladin
Bonus: Increase Utito Tempo San with a Powerful Bonus.
Mythic Velganos Card
Obtention: Upgrading.
Last Tier.

Legendary Cards
Legendary Cards, can looted from Worldbosses, this cards only give's a bonus when they are Level 6.
Legendary Cards have 4 Tiers, Each Tier has 6 Levels, the bonus will be on the level 6 of each tier:

  • Exotic

  • Chaos

  • Abyssal

  • Ancestral

  • Each Tier, the bonus will take effect only on level 6. There is 1 Legendary Card per Vocation, that each card, when activated, only certains weapons can activate the bonus while attacking (Majority they are each weapon of level 55 above for each vocation).
    Upgrade of legendary cards:
    Legendary Cards Summon (Tested with 100% chance for the video) summon will change appareance on each tier.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.

    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.

    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.

    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Sorcerer
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Ascalon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.

    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase magic level by 3.

    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase magic level by 6.

    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase magic level by 9.

    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv1
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv2
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv3
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv4
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv5
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv6
    Vocation: Druids
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Saydon Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase magic level by 15.

    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase distance skill by 3.

    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase distance skill by 6.

    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase distance skill by 9.

    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv1
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv2
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv3
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv4
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv5
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv6
    Vocation: Paladins
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Vercruze Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase distance skill by 15.

    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 1%.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Exotic Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Exotic Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Exotic Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus: 2% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.
    Legendary Exotic Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 2% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 25 seconds and increase melee skill by 3.

    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.9%.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Chaos Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Chaos Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Chaos Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 3% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.
    Legendary Chaos Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 3% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 45 seconds and increase melee skill by 6.

    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.8%.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Abyssal Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Abyssal Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Abyssal Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 4% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.
    Legendary Abyssal Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 4% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 65 seconds and increase melee skill by 9.

    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv1
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv1
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Loot chance: 0.7%.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses

    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv2
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv2
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv3
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv3
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv4
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv4
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv5
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv5
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Use Legendary Ancestral Essence to upgrade the card.

    Legendary Ancestral Essence
    Use the Legendary Essence on the card to upgrade it on the next Level Tier.
    Obtention: WorldBosses
    Can be Upgraded with Legendary Ancestral Essence.
    Obtention: World Bosses.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv6
    Vocation: Knights
    Bonus at Level 6: 5% Chance to Summon Monster that Fight's with you for 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.
    Legendary Ancestral Kaiser Card Lv6
    Obtention: Upgrade.
    Bonus: 5% Chance to summon a monster that fight's with you during 90 seconds and increase melee skill by 15.

    Boat SystemNavigation, battles
    Boat System
    From now, each player can start a new mission on Decks, on each city, with Magnus Blackwater that it asks you for some materials in order to start the construction of your first boat.
    Meet Shipright Trader at south of Dolwatha , passage to Falanaar, to buy the materials to start the construction of your boat then go back to talk with Magnus.

    You will be rewarded with the The Explorer first boat to start navigation around the Continent.

    Make sure to be prepared before start navigating, maybe you will find a storm or some Pirates ships that can start fighting against intruders.

    A new Slot under Deck slot, can equip Ship's, without a ship you can't navigate.

    Boat's doesn't have any bonus, they simple have a different look for now.
    You can explore 9 New Isles see The Isles Tab to check about the Worldbosses that can be founded and new monsters.

    Also, you can explore or go to other Cities (Falanaar, Dolwatha, Freewind, Bounac, Arkeron, and much more!) with the boat and also on Kindernia you will find a port to dock and help your friends or new players.

    From now, each vocation can use all spells and attacks when still on water, you can also die and take your items back if you remember where you die.

    The Explorer
    First Boat obtained after completing mission for Magnus Blackwater
    The Explorer
    Slot: Ship

    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Obtention: Worldbosses.

    Menethil March
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Menethil March
    Obtention: Worldbosses.

    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Obtention: Worldbosses.

    Scarlet Raven
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    Scarlet Raven
    Obtention: Worldbosses.

    The Counterspell
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    The Counterspell
    Obtention: Worldbosses.

    The Awakener
    Obtention: Worldbosses.
    The Awakener
    Obtention: Worldbosses.

    The IslesNew Zones, New Spawns, New Monsters, New WorldBosses
    The Isles
    New Monsters
    There is 47 New Monsters, recommended for levels 200+ that can be founded on new isles.
    New WorldBosses
    There is 10 New World Bosses, each one is unique, can loot Cards for the new system Deck, new Ships looktype, new items (jungle, eldritch, naga, and new quivers ), Badges, upgrades ressources, new wings and more.

    The worldbosses appear on a specific day with a specific time, they are extremely strong, we recommend going there only in party at least with 5 players.

    From now and go on, a Boss bar that appears on the client each time a Boss or World Boss is near.

    World Bosses & Timer
    Aquatic Overlord Thalassa
    Appears on the Isle at west of Dwalling (Arkeron).
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Monday at 16:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Azazel The Infernal Seraph
    Appears on the Isle at north of Kilmaresh.
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Friday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Drak'thul The Void Sovereign
    Appears on the Isle to the east of Azure Palace (Falanaar).
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Tuesday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Dreadbone The Eternal
    Appears on the Isle to north west of Mordragor.
    Life: 500.000
    Average Damage: 3k +
    Apparition: Saturday at 12:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Mortis The Sovereign
    Appears on the Isle to north west of Mordragor.
    Life: 500.000
    Average Damage: 3k +
    Apparition: Saturday at 12:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Dreadscale The Ancient
    Appears on the Isle to north of Falcon Bastion.
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Monday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Gor'gul The Frienzied
    Appears on the Isle to south of Falanaar.
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Sunday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Thalador The Stormbringer
    Appears on the Isle to south east of Freewind.
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Wednesday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Tymagron The Earthshaker
    Appears on the Isle at north of Freewind, on the central of the isle.
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Saturday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Vorondor The Eternal Flames
    Appears on the Isle at west of Arkeron.
    Life: 1.000.000
    Average Damage: 5k +
    Apparition: Thursday at 20:00
    Loot: Badges first tier, Cards & Legendary Cards Lv1, Upgrade Ressources, Ships, Wings.

    Some Screens